Enhanced Non-Lethal Security Blog

    A game changer for event security at high profile events

    Posted by Steve Cochennet on Feb 2, 2015


    At the Guardian 8 headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, we're finally exhaling. The excitement - and the crowds - of the Big Game and the Waste Management Phoenix Open took over the Phoenix-metro area (on the heels of the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction, no less), and security was a huge responsibility.

    The public's focus on security might have been temporary, but those of us in the industry are always looking for ways to learn and ways to improve the way we keep the public safe at high profile events.

    All eyes are on the actions of police officers following controversial incidents around the country where on-scene cameras would have been invaluable. But the debate shouldn't stop with police. Security companies and their clients would benefit greatly from the protection of cameras on site during incidents. This year at the Cotton Bowl stadium, audio and video of an incident helped show what happened - and also what did not happen, fighting off allegations of excessive force.

    The situation repeats itself every week from hospital lobbies to emergency rooms, from large sports venues to school campuses. First a threat needs to be handled. Then, and sometimes almost as difficult, comes proving what actually happened. That's exactly why we knew our device, the Pro V2, had to include audio and video incident recording. Our device includes numerous ways to defuse a situation, contact authorities, and regain situational control. But live recording was a must, especially for event security. 

    Aside from bringing clarity, incident recording can be a best friend to Risk Management officials. Video doesn't lie. Studies also show nationally that people act differently when they know they are being recorded.

    So as the sea of fans and visitors leave town today, I pose a question. One security post can be outfitted with an Enhanced Non-Lethal (ENL) Pro V2 for $450. How much is it worth to you to provide a tool that can both restore peace and protect the peacemaker?


    Steve Cochennet is CEO of Guardian 8. He has worked with founders, engineers and security experts in the field of camera technology, first for law enforcement and now for the security industry. Connect with him on:

    Topics: Security Industry, sports security, public safety, private security, sporting events

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