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A Practical Guide to Non-Lethal Hospital Security [Free eBook]

Posted by Guardian 8 Team on Feb 12, 2015 2:38:00 PM

Imagine looking around your waiting room and seeing scores of patients are waiting indefinitely in an uncomfortable environment, only to be asked highly personal questions. It’s a tense situation that can be easily exacerbated by perceived prejudices or hostile attitudes by hospital staff, or by the patient’s own mental instability or use of drugs or alcohol.

Not surprisingly, ninety two percent of physical acts of violence or verbal threats are generated by the patients themselves, according to hospital and healthcare security expert Tony York. In fact, studies show that between one-third and one-half of all workers within emergency departments have faced acts of violence within the past year.

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Topics: Healthcare Security, Healthcare Violence

How Violence Affects Hospital Workers [Free Infographic]

Posted by Guardian 8 Team on Dec 1, 2014 4:46:00 AM

Healthcare may be the most dangerous place to work if you're on the front lines!
Nurses and ER workers are among the most frequently assaulted and verbally abused - as many as 55% reported being the target aggression at least once a week! This infographic shows the impact of violence in the healthcare industry and who's getting hurt the most in hospitals. 

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Topics: Non-Lethal Security Blog, Healthcare Violence